The childhood cancer biobank (Swedish: Barntumörbanken, BTB) was established 10 years ago (2011). The goal was to collect samples of child tumours, in hopes of improving understanding of tumours, to improve diagnostics and prognosis, and improve quality of life. To begin with, only samples from brain tumours and neuroblastoma were collected. In 2015, samples from other solid tumours were being collected as well.
Today, samples are collected from over of 90 % of all cases of solid tumours. In the remaining cases, the samples are too small to both donate and diagnose. In 2021, the biobank had accumulated 900 tissue samples. The biobank also performs whole genome sequencing, where the entirety of the genetic material can be shared as data files once a research project has been approved.
This data could allow scientists to investigate how genetic mutations arise in for instance signal pathways in the tumour, as well as improve understanding of subgroups of tumours. Another goal is to digitize the database, make a catalogue of available samples and enable researchers to apply for access online. They are aware live samples of tumours are sought after and can now supply this material as well.
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