The Canadian Task Force on Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer was established in 2008 with a mission to ensure that AYA-aged Canadians with cancer and AYA survivors of cancer have prompt, equitable access to the best care, and to establish and support research to identify how their health outcomes and quality of life can be optimized.

Following a survey of existing services, and in consultation with survivors, healthcare professionals, and policy makers, the Task Force identified principles of care, priority issues for research and the establishment of outcome metrics, and strategies for implementing change that are designed to improve the outcomes and quality of life of this specific cohort of patients and survivors with unique developmental needs.

The six broad recommendations highlight the need for age-appropriate psychosocial, survivorship, palliative, and medical care as well as research to redress inequities in the care provided to this group relative to both younger and older cancer patients. Improved care for this group will enable individuals to reach their full potential as productive, functioning members of society, and will provide economic and other societal benefits.