Having a Student With Cancer in the ClassroomCurrently, the teaching staff is faced with a great diversity of students with very different needs, which you have to deal with. Among them are the educational attention to children or adolescents with a long illness such as, for example, an oncological process.

The diagnosis of cancer, especially when the affected person is a child or adolescent, is a very hard blow both for them and for their family and all those who are part of their immediate environment, such as teachers and students.

The education and social and emotional development of these children and adolescents must be maintained and guaranteed throughout the course of the disease. The active participation of all the agents involved in their daily life will favor their integral development.

The guide that we present from AFANOC has been elaborated from theknowledge and practical experience with the intention of offering guidelines and orientations that will be useful to face, with tranquility and realism, the new challenge that is presented to you and to give an adequate response.