Information brochure for Danish speaking teachers of children who have been diagnosed with cancer (or other disease) and return to school after a long period of time.

After a long period of illness, it can be hard for a child to return to everyday life, and they will be challenged both socially and academically. But with a few simple steps, teachers can make the school day much easier for their students.

From previous research and interviews with children in Denmark who have a long-term illness, we know that returning to the classroom is easier when:

  • The child feels connected to the class academically and socially while he or she is away
  • Peers and teachers clearly show that the child is missed and welcomed when he or she returns
  • The children and adults in the class help the child reintegrate into the life of the class – both academically and socially
  • Everyone remembers that the effort to get the child back safely is a long, steady journey. It can take many months before the child thrives in school again

The brochure helps teachers support affected students in the best way possible. Here is a quick summary of how teachers can help students to return safely:

  • Early and long-term planning of how the child will return
  • Ensure a sustained social and academic connection to school
  • Awareness and action on late effects of illness