Information Brochure- School for Children With Cancer

Cancer is a serious disease that requires a long and complex treatment, in addition to having a decisive effect on the entire family structure. When a child or adolescent is diagnosed with cancer, many doubts arise in the school regarding the educational and emotional treatment with which to respond to the new situation. The International Society of Pediatric Oncology states that the care of a child with cancer requires the participation of a coordinated multidisciplinary team: specialist physician, psychiatrist or psychologist, social worker and the teaching team with which the child is related (teachers in the Hospital Classroom, home reinforcement teachers and teachers at the center of origin).

The purpose of this guide is to help teachers and tutors understand how the child or adolescent and the parents feel, to know the phases of the disease, and to resolve doubts. In short, the aim is to have the tools to face, as teachers, a child with a serious illness and his or her unique school situation satisfactorily and appropriately.

The chapters are as follows:

  1. Basic knowledge about cancer
  2. Needs of the student with cancer
  3. The school at home
  4. Action protocol
  5. Action guidelines for the educational community
  6. Siblings
  7. When the disease is at an advanced stage
  8. Bereavement care
  9. Didactic resources