The AYA Care Network is a Dutch initiative that offers AYA care. AYA care is age-specific care for young adults diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 18 and 39. AYA care is organized as patient-centred & nurse-led and is based on an integrated, holistic care vision and focuses on the quality of life of AYAs during and after cancer.

AYA care has an eye for the most appropriate medical treatment and all aspects that play a role in the lives of these young people. In AYA care, the question ‘Who are you and what do you need?’ is therefore central. Specially trained AYA nurses, together with colleagues from other disciplines, support the young adult patient to (remain) in his strength and to retain control over his own life.

The age-specific component of AYA care always follows the tumour-specific component. It is therefore important that age-specific care is available in every tumour centre of expertise.