Palliative care is not for the end of life patients. It is not a hospice

The “Long-term Follow-up Program Resource Guide,” provided by the Children’s Oncology Group, is a valuable resource available in English. This guide is designed to offer comprehensive information and educational materials for childhood and adolescent cancer survivors, with a specific focus on long-term follow-up care. Below is an expanded description of this resource:

Comprehensive Survivorship Resource:

This guide is a comprehensive resource that serves as a one-stop reference for childhood and adolescent cancer survivors. It covers various aspects of long-term follow-up care and survivorship.

Education Materials:

The guide includes educational materials that are essential for cancer survivors to understand the implications of their cancer journey. It may offer information about potential long-term side effects, health monitoring, and self-care.

Existing Models and Programs:

The guide provides an overview of existing models and programs related to long-term follow-up care. This can help survivors and their healthcare providers choose the most appropriate approach for their specific needs.

Research Insights:

It may also highlight the latest research findings and developments in the field of long-term follow-up care for childhood and adolescent cancer survivors. This ensures that the information provided is up to date and evidence-based.

Career and Work-Related Section:

While the primary focus of the guide is on healthcare and survivorship, it may also include a dedicated section that addresses work-related topics. This section could provide advice and resources for cancer survivors looking to re-enter the workforce or make informed decisions about their careers.


The guide is available in a downloadable PDF format, making it easily accessible for cancer survivors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals who can refer to it as needed.

Support and Guidance:

Beyond informational content, the guide may offer support and guidance for survivors as they navigate the unique challenges that come with being a childhood or adolescent cancer survivor. This can include emotional support and coping strategies.

Collaboration with Healthcare Providers:

The guide may encourage collaboration between survivors and their healthcare providers to ensure the best possible care and support for long-term survivorship.

In summary, the “Long-term Follow-up Program Resource Guide” by the Children’s Oncology Group is an invaluable resource for childhood and adolescent cancer survivors. It provides comprehensive information on long-term follow-up care and survivorship, and it may also include a section dedicated to work-related topics. By offering educational materials, research insights, and practical advice, this guide empowers survivors to make informed decisions about their health and careers, ensuring a better quality of life after cancer.