Learn about the program that prepares, accompanies and carries out the transfer of paediatric patients to their referral adult hospital.

The SJD Barcelona Hospital A10 transversal program plans the route to the adult centre for all patients, with particular attention to complex chronic diseases. Learn, through its professionals and one of the patients in transit, how the route works.

Given its status as a highly specialised maternal and child health centre, SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital has a pioneering programme on the transition of paediatric patients to the adult system, which it carries out with the collaboration of the major hospitals in Catalonia.

As a result of advances in health care, chronic pathologies have increased in recent decades, and so too has complexity. It was therefore necessary to create a structured and homogeneous system to respond to the diversity of needs of patients and families and to their degree of clinical complexity.

The transition of patients affected by rare diseases to adult centres is one of the priority objectives of SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital’s internal health-care model, led by the Hospital’s Advisory Commission on Rare Diseases (CAMM-SJD).