Addressing the Lifelong Challenges of Childhood Cancer Survivors


Surviving childhood cancer can be a lifelong challenge: up to 75% of childhood cancer survivors must deal with the late effects of their cancer and treatments. Next to keeping the balance between dealing with late-effects and adapting to a life “after cancer” many childhood cancer survivors also face the reality of inadequate or nonexisting follow-up care. Because cure is not enough, patient advocates depict why it is important to #RaiseYourHands4Survivors!

Being cured does not always mean “being well.” Up to 75% of survivors deal with late effects. Keeping the balance between coping and living life to the fullest can be a life-long challenge.

There is a worldwide lack of structure for psychosocial and medical follow-up care. They need to be developed.

Survivors need comprehensive and age-appropriate information about the risks they can expect due to their cancer and treatments, what to do about their late effects, and where to turn to.

More research must be carried out to reduce late effects and optimize long-term care.