Join us at the biggest meeting of the European Network of Youth Cancer Survivors

Project closing event at the UNTOLD Festival 

7 – 12 August 2024

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Join us between 7 – 12 August 2024 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, at the UNTOLD Festival, for the grand finale of our EU-CAYAS-NET project. The event is organised by Youth Cancer Europe and will gather all project participants and associated partners to celebrate the accomplishments of the two-year EU co-funded project.

untold festival youth cancer survivors

Young people living with or beyond cancer, aged 18 and above, are invited to register their Expression of Interest below for the chance to win a full pass ticket to UNTOLD, regardless of prior project participation. Travel expenses and accommodation in student dorms are provided by Youth Cancer Europe.

The program will feature festival participation, networking events, and workshops aimed at exchanging knowledge and showcasing project outcomes. Topics covered will include adolescent and young adult cancer care, mental health, quality of life, cancer survivorship, health equity, and more.

While registration is open to the public, spots are limited. Selection will be made on a first come first served basis.

Register now by completing the form below. (If the form below doesn’t work, use this registration link) For more information or if you have any questions, please email

fuck cancer untold