Mental Health survey for cancer health care providers and cancer survivors

Did you get support for your mental health after your treatment?

Cancer in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood can carry a number of risk factors to a person’s mental health: confrontation with a severe (and potentially deadly) disease, long and toxic treatments, and the disruption of social life, education, and career are only a few examples. Even though all those risk factors exist, mental health and psychosocial challenges are often underestimated or neglected and the quality of psychosocial care can vary considerably.

This survey aims to gain knowledge about current existing Follow-Up care, with a special focus on mental health and psycho-social care for Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult (CAYA) cancer survivors within Europe. Furthermore, to identify best practices and gaps in those areas.

You have already filled out the survey for LTFU care. That’s wonderful – thank you very much!

As a second and very important step, we now want to look even more closely at mental health and psychosocial care.

Who can participate?

Childhood, adolescent, or young adult cancer survivor: Your experience with mental health and psychosocial care in follow-up care is essential to help us improve survivorship care across Europe.

Healthcare professionals: who work or have worked in a follow-up care service for Childhood, Adolescent, and/or Young Adult Cancer Survivors. To get the most comprehensive picture, we kindly ask you to complete the survey as a team, consisting of healthcare professionals involved in follow-up care at your institution.