how to get back to work for young cancer survivors

Adolescents and young adults who have been or are suffering from cancer often find it particularly difficult to find suitable training or employment. KONA (coordinated follow-up care) therefore launched the project “Jugend & Zukunft“ (Youth & Future) in 2006.

The project advises and supports adolescents and young adults who received oncological or hematological treatment as a child or adolescent (catchment area of Upper and Lower Bavaria):

  • in the transition from school to work
  • in case of illness during training
  • in the case of professional reorientation after completed or discontinued training in case of late effects of therapy

Youth & Future offers:

  • Individual one-on-one counseling and orientation
  • Information on career planning, application,
  • Internships, subsidies, and compensation for disadvantages
  • Continuous support and accompaniment during the process of finding a profession Accompaniment to institutions for vocational integration (employment agencies, pension insurance)
  • Psychological support for patients and parents throughout the entire process
  • Low-threshold recreational activities to get to know each other

Depending on the type of illness, the severity of the illness, and the intensity and duration of treatment, each young person has a different starting situation for career choice and training. Equally important are the impairments that the young person currently must deal with as a result of the disease or treatment.

The need for support is as varied as the initial situation. The project helps to gain an overview of the numerous training occupations and paths, study opportunities, and vocational support offered by the Employment Agency and German Pension Insurance.