In a world where America consumes 75% of the globe’s medications, and chronic diseases claim seven out of ten lives, the healthcare system itself has become the third leading cause of death. This alarming reality stems from our tendency to overlook our health, only to confront it when disease strikes. Unfortunately, traditional methods often focus on managing sickness through drugs and surgeries, which is not true healthcare but rather ’sick care‘.
Embrace Real Health
Dr. Livingood offers a revolutionary approach to health that emphasizes prevention and wellness. This book is a practical guide designed to help you build and sustain real health in just 21 days. By shifting the focus from disease management to health building, you can achieve lasting wellness and vitality.
What You’ll Discover
Throughout these pages, you’ll learn how to break free from the cycle of dependency on medications and surgeries. Instead, you’ll discover actionable strategies to nurture your body and mind, empowering you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Join Dr. Livingood on a transformative journey towards real health, where prevention is prioritized, and wellness is attainable for everyone.
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