Common Situation Related to an Increased Financial Burden

With a cancer diagnosis, we face a new reality, where we must not only beat a cancer, but usually have to deal with a decrease in income and increased expenses.

At least in the beginning, when we learn the diagnosis of an oncological disease, usually we all get lost and don’t know where to start looking for help. We are facing an increased financial burden that we did not foresee and did not prepare for.

Many questions arise, for example – will my treatment be effective and free of charge, will I recover, will I be able to work, will I be able to finish my studies, will I get a job? These are all valid concerns, especially for those returning to work after cancer.

If a child gets sick, one of the parents usually takes care of him, so it is natural that he cannot work for a while.

So how to survive, where to find financial support when suffering from cancer?

Below you will find advice that will help you to find out where you can apply for financial assistance if you or your child was diagnosed with cancer.

What Payments Can You Get if You Have Cancer?

Financial support for cancer patients

When you or your loved one has a cancer diagnosis, it is normal that first of all, you are focused on the disease, treatment, and doctors. Many people forget to ask questions that can help them to manage the costs associated with facing cancer. This article might help you understand the financial aspects of a cancer diagnosis and ways to search for this kind of assistance.

  • Allowances of Social Insurance Institutions

If you are employed, you will get a sick allowance due to illness and disability to work. The period of getting a sick allowance depends on the particular country so it is best to check it in your country.

  • Gather All the Information Regarding the Possibility to Get a Disability and Incapacity Rate

From this point, you might get the basic allowances for your daily life while getting cancer treatment, care, and after.

  • Contact Your Local Department of Social Services

Usually, municipality offices provide information if there are any benefits for cancer patients. As a rule, all reimbursements and allowances depend on the patient’s life situation. For example, in Lithuania, every municipality provides different social benefits for habitants facing financial struggles related to hard diseases and the problematic financial situation of a household (annually). One can submit the application and get annual benefits paid.

  • Charities and Non-profit Organizations

Try contacting all possible charity funds that are working in your area and helping cancer patients to manage life during difficult situations. Cancer patient organizations are points of useful information and even some of them provide financial assistance through membership cards.

For example, in Lithuania, there is a POLA card program run by Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition POLA. With this card cancer patients are eligible to get discounts for relevant goods and services, an 80% discount on public transportation, and free legal, psychological, and nutrition counselling.

Charity funds might help you as they focus on financial assistance related to the need of travelling abroad to get treatment and buying some medical goods if they are not reimbursed by the government.

  • Ask Faith-Based Organizations and Some Hospitals May Also Provide Help

Organizations such as parish houses might be helpful or able to initiate fundraising regarding your situation when you need financial aid. 

  • National Healthcare Systems Usually Cover the Basic Needs of Cancer Treatment

Nonetheless, we encourage you to not get shy and ask if you really have to pay for particular treatment costs or medical goods when you are asked.

  • Check Your Life Insurance Policy Agreement

If you have life insurance contact your manager and get all the information you need and find out if you are eligible to get any life insurance payment in case of critical illness. Pay attention that different options may vary depending on the type of policy you have.

  • Employer Benefits

In the case of cancer, it is rather often the situation that the employer can contribute to you and pay an allowance. It is best to ask the human resources division at your office and check their position.

So these mentioned ways might be helpful to get more acquaintance of possible financial assistance when dealing with a cancer diagnosis. We also encourage you to take advantage of available resources at – here you can find a friendly and supportive community whose members can share their own experiences while searching for financial assistance. 

You can join our online European cancer community on Discord, where individuals who have faced similar experiences may be able to guide you in navigating local financial support options in your native country.