We are excited to announce our fifth Webinar!
Our fifth webinar, scheduled for November, 28th 17 CET, will focus on Social Challenges in Follow-Up Care.
Compared to their peers adolescents and young adults living with and beyond cancer face a higher risk of social challenges such as unemployment, reliance on social benefits, or poorer economic conditions, but also restrictions in building relationships, their social network, or in an independent lifestyle.
To shed light on this critical issue, we invite you to an exciting webinar on “Social Challenges in Follow-up Care“. Patient advocates and Healthcare Professionals from different countries will address important aspects of the social dimension, such as “the right to be forgotten”, “social isolation” or “entitlements to social benefits” and then delve into them in a panel discussion with the audience.
We are very much looking forward to your participation!
Registration for the Social Challenges in Follow-Up Care webinar:
If the form below doesn’t work use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_64bzHWikSlCNoaZCwd76PQ