Increased childhood cancer survival rates have spurred a new body of research pertaining to the cancer-survivorship continuum. Literature suggests a lack of research and guidelines for care at the end of treatment. To improve the transition to survivorship and determine any posttreatment challenges, this study explored the experiences of childhood cancer survivors (CCSs), parents/caregivers, and pediatric oncology health care professionals (HCPs) at the end of treatment.
3 September, 2024
Pojednostavljenje termina za rak: Dobrodošli na
Medicinski pojmovi povezani s rakom mogu biti zastrašujući, ali važno je znati što znače. Na pružamo jasne definicije i jednostavna objašnjenja složenih pojmova raka. Naš cilj je izbaciti misterij iz medicinskog žargona kako biste se osjećali bolje pod kontrolom.
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