EU-CAYAS-NET is excited to announce our 2nd policy event “Improving the Long-Term Follow-up Care for Young Cancer Survivors” which will take place on 14th June from 9:30-16:00 CEST in Barcelona, Spain.
This event, co-organized by Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona and the EU-CAYAS-NET project, is focused on how to improve Long-term Follow-up (LTFU) care for Young Cancer Survivors. 75% of survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer (CAYAS) develop late health problems that need life-long follow-up care. Access to optimal LTFU care improves the quality of life for every child, adolescent and young adult in Europe after their cancer treatment and enable them to better fulfil their potential.
Within EU-CAYAS-NET, we aim to identify both best practices as well as gaps in LTFU care in order to develop a roadmap on how to implement optimal LTFU care across Europe. In addition, evidence-based follow-up care recommendations for no less than 45 different kinds of late-effects after CAYA cancer are made available to young cancer survivors in plain language.
What to expect:
Presentations on the EU-CAYAS-NET project, associated activities at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona, expert insights on current practices, best practices for LTFU care, and preliminary recommendations for improvement, collaborative discussion on action points and next steps for enhancing the LTFU experience in Spain & Europe. The event will end with the signing of the Barcelona Declaration, outlining a commitment to improving Long Term Follow-up care.